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In Conversation with Cecilia Dupire

Cecilia Dupire is an Scandinavian Interior Architect and Designer with a very strong  european influence.   With respect for the tradition she has refined her taste for a minimalism preference that is informed by a playful side.  What is life without a little bit of fun!

Who could imagine that this Swedish girl had the opportunity to work with some of the biggest names on the current design scene like Zaha Hadid, Michael Philip Wolfson, and Rupert Gardner from Design Sweden amongst others.   But this fact is just a little proof of how talented Cecilia is.

Cecilia has been equally proficient in residential design having the opportunity of restoring a Medieval home in France, A stunning penthouse in New York, many minimal homes in the Hamptons, as well impressive commercial design projects all over Europe and the States.  But that is not all, in the industrial design industry she has left her mark in the form of one of her biggest career accomplishments – A very fun and interesting collaboration with Costas Picadas and the launch of her own furniture line Zig.

The culminations or all these incredible accomplishments led her to start Cezign a multidisciplinary design firm in NY.

Cecilia’s New York home has recently been featured in New York Cottages and Gardens, AD Spain, AD China, and many other international publications.  The whole world is talking about Cecilia, that is a evident, an here is the reason why!

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Cecilia Dupire

Iván Meade – What was your first experience with design?

Cecilia Dupire – Rearranging my bedroom as a young girl  I loved seeing my little  space as a constant challenge to solve,  to evolve and to change.it was my first project in a world were my fantasies and creations were allowed to flourish freely.

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Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – What is the best advice you have received (design-related or otherwise)?

Cecilia Dupire – Be playful. Because in it, you will find unlimited possibilities that can reveal lots of different ideas and alternatives.

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 Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – Did you always want to be a designer?

Cecilia Dupire – Not a designer directly, but I always had a need for creative expression. The beauty with creation is that one can,  to certain extent,  shed the constraints of adult life and act like a kid again while developing  and generating ideas. As a designer, you need to be a curious person. It will help catch new ideas and look out for interesting things to develop by spotting, gathering and utilizing  things that most others would overlook.   

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  Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – Who or what has influenced your style?

Cecilia Dupire – My roots. The Scandinavian lifestyle that embraces that light, looks for simplicity.  My family’s interest in art and handcraft. In addition to this, of course, my inspiration from the many, different countries and cultures I have been living in. 

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 Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – What are some of the spaces that have always inspired you, and continue to stand out for you today?

Cecilia Dupire – The Stockholm public library and the ” Skogs (Forest churchyard) by Gunnar Asplund. I adore the  architectural, symbolic power in these two projects. The thoughtfulness and development of translating ideas into full form is just exceptional. 

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 Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – What qualities do you like to be present in your own residence?

Cecilia Dupire – I want to create a shell that is simple in form so that time and change can take place within it. For me the beauty of a home is in the eclectic mix that life allows you to gather. A home is a stage that I can help to set,  but the greatness of the concept is to allow the play to be able to be performed without being interrupted by the setting. . A home is an ever-changing creature.

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 Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – Are there any design rules that you love to disobey?

Cecilia Dupire – For me, there are no rules to disobey.

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  Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – What project has given you the most satisfaction?

Cecilia Dupire – Restoring a medieval house in the South of France.  I found it fascinating to learn about old methods of building and learning how to use them in a modern concept. 

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  Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – Zig is your line of flexible décor that is multi functional and interactive.  What inspired you to create this line?

Cecilia Dupire – Me and my co-designer Costas Picadas wanted to create a tool or a design to allow the user to take part in the creative process. The beauty with Zig is that if we all get a set of cards = ( Zig units) we will play them differently because of our own conception of what we need or what we like from an aesthetic point-of-view. It is about sharing the art of creation. 

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 Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – What is your next design venture for Cezign or Zig?

Cecilia Dupire – I am currently working on a large project in Paris that merges the experiences I have had both with Cezign and Zig.

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  Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – How did your collaboration with photographer Costa Picadas shape the line?

Cecilia Dupire – It enriched it,  since we merged our aesthetic views, experiences and knowledge together. It grew to be a very inspiring experience in many different aspects.

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Furnishings by Zig

Iván Meade – Name 5 things you can’t do without…

Cecilia Dupire – My I phone.. my walking office,  My sketchbook, pencil, exercise to energize my brain, and most importantly my family.

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 Interiors by Cezign

Iván Meade – What is the best advice you could give to somebody who is new in the world of design?

Cecilia Dupire – Exercise your imagination!

I invite you to visit Cecilia’s  site and learn more about her amazing body of work:

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