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Melissa Dupont LifeMstyle Photography Paul Rodriguez

Melissa Dupont

I think it is fair to say that multidisciplinary designer Melissa Dupont’s work is my latest design obsession.  I discovered her through a serendipitous moment on Instagram; and it was love at first sight. I just love her style, her vision –  her work is comfortable, edgy and inspirational.  Dupont’s aesthetic is her own. Dupont’s hard work for many years in architecture, interior design and the arts has moulded one of the strongest voices in the Latin american design scene today.

Who knew that a country like Peru – infamous for Incan ruins (Machu Pichu), but not so much for incredible, current and edgy design – has been given a new voice in Dupont’s work.  Melissa Dupont is without a doubt, an emergent Latin-American design talent.

Miss Dupont studied architecture in Lima, later she specialized in Interior Design at the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) in Spain. In Madrid she worked on many interior design projects, ephemeral installations and interior styling. She participated in some relevant events such as Casa Decor Madrid, Decoracción in the Barrio de las Letras sponsored by one of the leading spanish design magazines Nuevo Estilo, and was the designer of the first event at the Engines Market.

You can easily start spotting and recognizing Dupont’s beautiful work in some of the most prestigious Latin- American and Spaniard magazines. Dupont’s vision is truly felicitous.  It can be a gorgeous interior, a piece of art, a sculpture or just the edgiest art installation. Whatever she touches, she makes it beautiful, and because of this, I am already using some of her pieces in our projects. Design is global and doesn’t matter that I am in Canada, and she is in Peru, our language is design and we speak it fluently (even when we talk in spanish – lol)

Dupont lives in Lima, and works in Studio M + S designing products, spaces and experiences, enjoy our conversation and feast upon the beauty of Duponts work.

Iván Meade – What was your first experience with design?

Melissa Dupont –When I was a little girl I used to draw imaginary spaces, houses in which I wished to live, with secret passages, hiding places. Even giant cars, ships containing houses in it, I had a lot of imagination. I even used to design my clothes and I have always loved many aspects of designing, from big spaces as an architect to little details, even jewelry.

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Interior, Art and Sculpture by Melissa Dupont 

Iván Meade – When did you know you wanted to be an architect/interior designer?

Melissa Dupont –Since I was very young I have known quite clearly that my path would have to be related to art. When I decided to study architecture, I focused my attention on the artistic side of it. Sometimes this led me to big arguments with professors.

Interior Styling by Melissa Dupont &  Michelle Vasconcelos

(Casa Atelier)

Iván Meade – How would you describe your style?

Melissa Dupont – I like it simple, yet powerful. To include color blocks, important pieces that draw attention, simple shapes. I prefer an empty space with one strong piece, than a space full of objects that can be irrelevant. I am also very eclectic; I like to mix styles, materials, etc.

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Interiors by Melissa Dupont

Iván Meade – What are you excited about right now in the world of design?

Melissa Dupont – I am a huge fan of Spanish designers Patricia Urquiola and Jaime Hayon. And from the art world, it is a never-ending story. I love the power we have today with social media to connect with designers and artists from around the world. Each day I discover new amazing artists to follow.

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Art by Melissa Dupont

Iván Meade – You have a wide array of incredible projects under your arm. It looks like everything you do, you do right. From architecture, interior design, art, sculpture, etc – What is your favorite type of project and why?

Melissa Dupont – Lately my big passion is art. It warms my heart. The satisfaction of seeing the finished work is more immediate than that of an interior design project, where many more factors are involved.

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Styling, Art and Forms by Melissa Dupont and Sybil Roose

(Studio M+S)

Iván Meade – Which project has given you the most satisfaction so far?

Melissa Dupont –  All projects are like my children, I love them all, but I have to say my last art projects were the most fun to do, it sounds very selfish, but the result is much better when I am the only person to be satisfied.


Art by Melissa Dupont

Iván Meade – Living and working in Peru and Spain – What is your favorite part about these cities?

Melissa Dupont – I lived in Madrid for 5 years where I had the opportunity to learn amazing things, it helped me rediscover myself and look with different eyes from what I already knew. It was there that my passion for art became real, but I knew that if I wanted to go that way, I had to return to Peru because here I have more tools to develop myself as an artist. Surely, Madrid has a very special place in my heart, the lifestyle, the joy its streets breathe, the public spaces, it is a fascinating city that will always stay in my heart. On the other hand, Lima is a beautiful and inspiring city with so much potential and room for a creative professional to grow, located between the desert and the sea, it is the perfect place to be right now.

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Styling, Art and Forms by Melissa Dupont and Sybil Roose

(Studio M+S)

Iván Meade – What are you currently fascinated by and how is it feeding into your work?

Melissa Dupont –  I love reading biographies, I love seeing the path of different characters, and specially to notice how passion can bring unimaginable things. And when I feel down or doubt myself, I have many examples in my head to help me keep going.

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Sculptures by Melissa Dupont 

Iván Meade – Do you have any self-imposed rules that you live by?

Melissa Dupont –  Yes, we are in this life to be happy and that is our real value here, trying to find happiness, either through our job, our family or in any way we want. And always look at the bright side of things.


Art by Melissa Dupont

Iván Meade – What’s the best piece of advice you have received?, and what will be the best advice you can give to somebody who is new in the industry?

Melissa Dupont – I once read a phrase that stuck with me: “A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd” and it’s true, if you want to excel at something, you shouldn’t care about other people’s opinions. There will always be criticism, there will always be different opinions, but if you try to please everyone you will not get anywhere interesting. I think the only voice you should hear is your inner voice.

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Flower installation by Melissa Dupont & Michelle Vasconcelos

(Casa Atelier)

Iván Meade – What do you do to keep inviting the inspiration to come – Do you have other passions that recharge your creative juices?

Melissa Dupont –  I like music and long walks. I try to do things to relax, to recharge my creativity . It is in those moments of peace and relaxation where the best ideas come.

Melissa Dupont Art LifeMstyle

Art by Melissa Dupont

Iván Meade – Lastly, You have already gone through many transformations with your work and found great success, what would you like your legacy to be?

Melissa Dupont – I really don’t know, I don’t have a clear vision of my future, I think the path will reveal itself step by step. I just want to make good stuff and get better every day.

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Custom Light Fixture by Melissa Dupont &  Michelle Vasconcelos

(Casa Atelier)

I invite you to visit an get inspired by Melissa’s work:

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