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In Conversation with Lorenzo Castillo

Lorenzo Castillo

This conversation has been one of my favourites as it originally happened in Spanish (my native tongue), and what better way to introduce the best of the best in Spanish design to North America?

Lorenzo Castillo is definitely the strongest presence in Spanish design nowadays.  Castillo’s design aesthetic has defined a unique voice not only in Spain but in France, Shanghai, Hong Kong, U.S.A. and many other places around the globe where he has worked on projects  – When you see a project by Lorenzo Castillo you know immediately that his unique vision and talent is behind it – Whether it is a residence, a wedding for the princes of Spain, a yacht,  a five star hotel or one of the exclusive Loewe shops by LVH group.  Castillo always brings an element of unexpected elegance while creating each of his memorable spaces.    His work has been published in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Marie Claire, Hola!, House and Garden, Attitude, Telva, Nuevo Estilo, and The New York Times.

Recently he has launched his second fabric collection under the Gastón and Daniela brand.  A fresh take on design with one of the most sophisticated colour palettes I have seen in a long time.

Castillo’s appreciation for the past is evident in all his work. He holds a degree in Art History and has owned an antique shop since the 90’s.   His signature style is a mix of antiques with contemporary pieces.  Places and spaces that are timeless, but have a current vibe.

I can’t wait to get Lorenzo’s input on design’. please read on to get in on the conversation…

Iván Meade – What was your first experience with design?

Lorenzo Castillo – I used to design for my own pleasure since my youth.  Design has always given me a very unique pleasure.  Perhaps my first experience with relevance was the design of the LOEWE shops for the LVMH group.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – What is the story behind Lorenzo Castillo – How and when did you start working in the interior design industry?

Lorenzo Castillo – I started in a very natural way.  I used to be really involved in the antique world, the use of antiques had a boom in Spain giving a really decorative feel to the spaces they were used in.  My clients started asking me to decorate their homes and the rest is history.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – What tip would you give to someone who is just starting in the profession?

Lorenzo Castillo – Open your eyes and see your surroundings very carefully and rediscover that hidden beauty.   Discover that unique moment that everybody misses and use it to your advantage.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – What has been the best piece of advice you have received?

Lorenzo Castillo – I remember the kind advice of an old decorator friend that told me to dedicate myself to something else, but I didn’t follow his advice – lol – Now being serious, the best advice I have received was to always be professional and always over deliver, as the new work will always come from that initial work.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – One of the qualities I really admire in your residential work is the mix of antiques with contemporary pieces. This is a very European design aesthetic in which you respect the past to make the present valid.  This is perhaps a parameter that identifies your style and the memorability of your projects.  How did you conceive this unique mix and how do you imprint your signature style in your projects?

Lorenzo Castillo –  The mix is always about intuition, it is quite difficult to establish rules for a successful interior.  There are mixes that work and others that look awful and don’t work.  This is part of a trained eye and the way you can balance harmony.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – How do you achieve a balanced harmony?  – I can see symmetry and classic lines in your projects but how do you give them a contemporary feel?

Lorenzo Castillo – Not all my work is symmetrical, actually I prefer asymmetry or the balance of different volumes.  I know that Greek or Roman classicism is based on order and balance.  I always base my designs on a classic root and I reinterpret this base from a more contemporary point of view.  Using a more up-to-date colour palette, and including the architecture of the space and as always, playing with light.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – Your use of colour is always very sophisticated which makes your projects really resonate with me.  How do you create your colour palette?

Lorenzo Castillo –  My colour selections are definitely the influence of the world around me.  I am always very attentive to see how a specific colour interacts with others.  Again, a visual harmony that you could see on landscapes, book covers, paintings or museums.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – How do you define luxury?

Lorenzo Castillo – Having your dream and perfect home.  Your home is a refuge for your taste and needs. 

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

Iván Meade – What is your main luxury?

Lorenzo Castillo – Having the freedom to live in the way I want to live and being fortunate to have the perfect home for myself.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade –  What is the project that has given you the most satisfaction and why?

Lorenzo Castillo – Usually the last one, why? Because I really enjoyed my clients reaction and to see that I have created the perfect space for them.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – What is next for Lorenzo Castillo?

Lorenzo Castillo – Being grateful for the work I have received and continue working.  Spain is in a difficult economic time so I really feel blessed to have good projects on the horizon.

Interiors by Lorenzo Castillo

 Iván Meade – Lorenzo, lastly, you have already created a stunning body of work with many mediums and styles. What would you like your legacy to be?

Lorenzo Castillo – I would like to leave a legacy as a person, not so much as a designer.  But I also understand that the legacy of a person always disappears and what is left is the ideas.  I think my legacy should be to leave an understanding that design is a constant search of harmony and balance; always inspired by colour, volume, and style – but adapting this to a modern and clean sensibility to create that special oasis for the individual who lives in that space.

I invite you to visit Lorenzo Castillo’s website at:
