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Meade Design Group Welcomes Tobi Fairley

Some of our readers may remember an interview I was lucky to have with Arkansas design talent, Tobi Fairley. Since the interview Tobi and I have been corresponding via our blogs, facebook, twitter and e-mail and have formed a modern pen-pal style friendship.


Tobi and others 051 Tobi Fairley, Iván Meade, Patricia Gray

When Tobi mentioned that she was visiting Vancouver and Canada for the first time with her husband, Carter, I knew we would have to take the opportunity to meet face-to-face. I invited Tobi to be the guest of honour at a brunch held at my home away from home, The Voya restaurant at The Loden Hotel.


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Echito setting the final touches on the table.

It was a fun day and the conversation was phenomenal, it was such a pleasure to be able to meet Tobi in person. Tobi is a true southern belle.

The Voya Restaurant did a great job with the food and the service – they even coordinated the menus with the theme of the invitations and place cards – thank you to Alexis Prince for all of her help.

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The finished table ready for guests.

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Tobi’s seat with a special present (Rogers Chocolates) and orchid corsage.

Tobi and others 042 A customized favour to celebrate Tobi’s love for tea

(Inside were three specially selected teas from Silk Road)

Tobi and others 050Amie de Toro, Echito & Michelle Morelan chatting up a storm.

image Echito and Tobi Fairley

Photograph via Brillante Home Decor – Albarosa Simonetti


We wish we were able to take more photographs, but we were a little distracted.